Category: Company Law

Mirna W. Mallak

Mirna W. MALLAK has been a member of the Beirut Bar Association since 2007. She practices under the laws of the United Arab Emirates, where

William di Cicco

William Di Cicco

William Di Cicco is an Italian lawyer admitted to the Rome Bar since 2005. He advises companies and groups, cooperatives and non-profit organisations. He handles

Daniele Villa

Daniele Villa is an Italian lawyer admitted to the Rome Bar since 1993 and registered with the Italian Court of Cassation since 2009. He handles

Gaétan Di Martino

GAETAN DI MARTINO is a lawyer, mediator and certified negotiator. He is regularly appointed by the courts to help parties in conflict to find a



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Ut semper maximus elit nec sodales. Nulla facilisi.