JURISGLOBAL is an independent, inter-professional and international group of lawyers, business councils, judicial officers and mediators.

Tax audit and advices

Today, companies are facing an increase in the number and severity of tax audits, a growing number of tax penalties and an increase in litigation.

Companies must constantly adapt to new regulations in this area.

This is why, with our experience, our firm offers you its expertise in the management of pre-litigation, litigation and defence during tax audits.

The combination of legal expertise and our knowledge of compliance requirements allows you to optimise operational decisions at all stages of the litigation process.



Beirut office


Tel : xx xx xx xx xx
Fax : xx xx xx xx xx


xx xx xx xx xx
xx xx xx xx xx


Email : xx xx xx xx xx

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Vivamus condimentum dignissim lacinia. Duis volutpat urna nec pretium dapibus.

Maecenas laoreet, elit in venenatis aliquam, nisi nunc suscipit purus, eu porttitor nisi dolor sit amet enim.

Ut semper maximus elit nec sodales. Nulla facilisi.