We ensure that you meet the specialist, the expert in his field to accompany you in the purchase – sale of real estate.
GAETAN DI MARTINO is a lawyer, mediator and certified negotiator. He is regularly appointed by the courts to help parties in conflict to find a rapid and secure solution.
He is mainly involved in advice, transactions and judicial, tax and arbitration litigation in business law.
He has developed significant and recognised expertise in the following areas in particular
– business transfer/takeover operations,
– business and corporate law disputes and litigation between shareholders, particularly family shareholders,
– Structuring and restructuring of corporate groups
– The development of international activities
– Defence of managers and regulated professionals
– Advising companies in labour disputes, new technologies and large-scale operations.
GAETAN DI MARTINO is particularly active in the automotive sector where he has advised well-known players such as dealers, manufacturers, agents and subcontractors.
He also has extensive experience in the following sectors: retail, industry, new technologies, real estate and insurance.
He is most often called upon to intervene in complex cases with high stakes or involving several disciplines or international jurisdictions.
GAETAN DI MARTINO is a founding lawyer of JURISGLOBAL since 2011 and practises between Strasbourg and Paris, after having practised for 5 years in London. He also founded JURISMEDIATION, a new generation international network of mediators dedicated to accelerated dispute resolution.
He teaches mediation and taxation at the Ecole de Management and the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Strasbourg.
– Ranked as a “Reputable Practice” in “Business Litigation” by Décideurs magazine 2019, 2020 and 2021.
– Finalist for the 2020 Innovation Prize (Village de la Justice)
– DJCE Master in Business Law (University of Strasbourg)
– Master in Banking and Finance (University of Strasbourg).
– Certificate of aptitude for the legal profession (2010).
– Registered European Lawyer of England and Wales (2016-1019)
– Solicitor of the High Court of England and Wales (2019)
– Certificate of mediation and negotiation between companies (Paris Dauphine) (2021)
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